Christianity or
Do u mean insanity?
Why don't u look inside of me
See the real life as you look right past me
Pastor me
You ask for me
I am the devils child
God loves everyone
Except for almost everyone
Ask for forgiveness
But god loves everyone?
Except for those who carry on
Punish yourself!
You must seek for your “true self”
Ask for Guidance
From the so called mighTest
Ask for forgiveness as you go to church with no sense
I am a homosexual!
Well off to hell you go
Say hello to everyone
Hell on to everyone
But doesn't god love anyone?
Only those who follow rules
Rules like a strict god
Fools with a reward
Reward - psych ward
Call everyone a retard
I don't have to earn god
I know I have a speciality
It's my own personality
You're in a cycle of brutality
You call me criminality
I say you pulled a blind one on me
You close your eyes
And fantasize
You don't listen to the real guys!
You listen to the man that money buys!
He was born into a reality - a lifeless salary
Where all his enemies
Were colored men in white tees
But he's a Christian
He must be right then